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Article code NUP-GAS-4.0
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Nuprol 4.0 Ultimate Power Gas is the ultimate high pressure gas, designed to make your gas Airsoft RIF more consistent between every shot and work far better in colder conditions. Nuprol 4.0 gives an increase in FPS, GBB efficiency and a harder kick. Read more
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4.0 Gas
Article code NUP-GAS-2.0
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Nuprol 2.0 high performance green gas is a powerful and reliable gas for use with gas Airsoft guns and accessories. Please be aware that Nuprol 2.0 green gas is a high powered and high pressured gas which may not be suitable for plastic Airsoft guns.... Read more
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2.0 Gas
Article code NUP-GAS-3.0
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NUPROL 3.0 is a revolutionary gas specifically designed for use in cold weather. NUPROL 3.0 uses new gas filling technology and additives to achieve similar performance to NUPROL 2.0 at 25C but at 15C and below. Read more
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3.0 Gas